Y comieron perdices

(Dir. David Montero)



Sinopsis: Alberto acaba de romper con su novia Laura y está intentando volver a reconquistarla, pero sus macabros y torpes intentos por volver a tener su amor, no hacen más que alejarle de su objetivo. Cual príncipe azul, se enfrentará a los obstáculos que se le presentan para volver a vivir su amor, como la mejor de sus aventuras.


Synopsis:Alberto just broke up with his girlfriend Laura and he is trying to win her back, but his macabre and clumsy attempts to regain his love, do nothing but keep him from his goal. As prince charming, he will face the obstacles that are presented to him to relive his love, as the best of his adventures.


Dirección :  David Montero


Reparto: José Ángel Calleja, Laura Rodríguez, Elena Foronda, Álvaro Aparicio